La Poesía es una herramienta que da belleza a la vida. Con la poesía podemos expresar nuestros sentimientos y emociones hacia algo en común.
Un ejemplo poético es el "Haiku".
Un Haiku es un poema breve japonés formado por una estrofa de 17 sílabas distribuidas en tres versos de 5, 7 y 5 sílabas respectivamente.El autor expresa su asombro hacia la naturaleza.
Un ejemplo de haiku:
Este es el mío:
Pájaro que quiere volar,
no podrá,
si no se atrévete a intentar
Es divertido intentar hacer un haiku. Yo ya lo he hecho, ¿por qué no lo intentas tu también?
A fun way to express yourself
Poetry is a tool that gives beauty to life. With poetry we can express our feelings and emotions towards something particulary.
A poetic example is the "Haiku".
A Haiku is a japanese short poem which consists of a verse of 17 syllables divided into three lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables each one.
The author expresses his wonder at nature.
An example of haiku:
This is my example:
Bird that wants to fly,
may not,
if you don't dare to try
It's funny to try to make a haiku. I've already made it, why don't you try to make one too?
I like your post display... your focus... but yuOr haiku IS A PROVERB...a phylosophic principle...that is wide acknowledged... try to break the reader´s horizon of expectations... By the way...great background music!!!