martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

La vida son instantes que se cruzan en el tiempo

La vida, camino que nos toca recorrer a cada uno por nuestra cuenta. Un largo camino donde aprendemos a entender el significado de la vida.

Parece ayer mismo cuando estaba en la GUARDERÍA con los primeros amigos que tendría en mi vida. Ahí solo me preocupaba por echarme a llorar porque creía que mi madre me dejaba en aquel lugar para no volver a por mí y tenía miedo. 

Luego llega el COLEGIO, lugar que más añoras en toda tu larga vida. Donde conocerás a personas que volverás a ver durante tu vida y que algunos de ellos no se separarán de ti. De aquí saldrán aquellas experiencias inolvidables que recordarás una vez que seas un adulto. Te reirás de las tonterías que hacías antes porque eras un moquillo inocente y siempre recordarás este tiempo.

Después llega el INSTITUTO, sitio que temes al entrar tu primer año debido a que sales del colegio siendo el más grande, y ahora entras a otro siendo de los más pequeños. Esto se debe normalmente a los gigantes que te encuentras por los pasillos y te da miedo acercarte a ellos vaya a ser que te derriben. Aquí tu preocupación es estudiar porque ya te queda menos para decidir qué hacer con tu vida y todo depende de tus resultados.

Con este período finalizará tu educación juvenil. Pasarás de ser un adolescente a un adulto. Pasarás de un mundo a otro.
¿Crees estar preparado? Nadie sabe lo que vendrá después.
¿Valdrá la pena todo el esfuerzo que hiciste durante esta parte de tu vida? ¿La has aprovechado o malgastado?
Ahora vive el presente y no quieras madurar tan pronto porque la infancia no nos la devuelve nadie. Suerte a todos con vuestro futuro!

...Translation in English...

Life are instants that cross in time

The life is a path that we have to go through by our own. A long way where we learn to understand the meaning of life.

It seems only yesterday when I was in the first DAYCARE with my first friends I would have on my life. There, I just think about crying  because I believed that my mother let me in that place and she would never come back for me and I was afraid.

Then comes PRIMARY SCHOOL, the place that you will miss during your whole. It's where you will meet people who you are going to see again in your life and some of them will not separate from you. From here will come out those unforgettable experiences that you will remember once you are an adult. You will laugh at the stupid things you did before because you were an innocent child and you will always remember this time .

Then comes the HIGH SCHOOL, the place which you will be afraid of when you enter in it in your first year because you leave the school being the oldest , and now you go to another place being the smallest. This is usually due to the giants that you find in the hallways and you're afraid to go near them because they can push you down . Here your concern is study because you have less time to decide what will you do with your life and it all depends on your results.

With this period your youth education will end. You will become an adult. You will go from one world to another.
Do you think you're ready? Nobody knows what will come next.
Is it worth all the effort you made during this part of your life? Have you taken advantage or have you wasted it?
Now live for today and don't want to grow up too soon because anybody won't give you back your childhood. Good luck with your future!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Raquel, i have noticed that you have beautiful memories. I really like your title, it is very original, and I also like the questions you have put in the end of the post. They make people thinking about unknown things and I find them very interesting and attractive.
