En este post voy a insertar varios enlaces de mis páginas favoritas y las páginas que yo encuentro útiles.
Hay 3 páginas que encuentro muy útiles:
"Wikipedia: La Enciclopedia Libre"→ Enciclopedia virtual en la que puedes buscar información sobre cualquier termino. Esta página recoge información que elaboran los usuarios sobre diferentes temas. Cualquier persona puede escribir un pequeño párrafo de información sobre el término. Así se obtiene toda la información posible acerca de lo que hemos buscado.
"Wordreference"→ Ideal para buscar palabras en otros idiomas. Posee diferentes idiomas y es el diccionario más usado en el mundo. Además ofrece definiciones, diferentes modos de utilizar esa palabra (con oraciones como ejemplo), sinónimos, antónimos... ¡Es el mejor diccionario, sin duda!
"Kiosco Internet: Buscador de medios online"→ El mejor buscador de noticias y prensa nacional/ internacional. Esta página le será de utilidad si desea estar al día de lo que ocurre en el país o en el mundo.
Estas 3 páginas siguientes me gustan mucho y podrían considerarse de mis favoritas:
"YouTube"→ Puede buscar todo tipo de vídeos. Desde música hasta tutoriales. Personalmente es una de las páginas que más utilizo día a día, al igual que millones de usuarios, pero yo la utilizo sobre todo para buscar música. Cada persona le saca un uso diferente.
"Twitter"→ Red social más visitada a nivel mundial. Es una manera rápida de estar informado sobre las tendencias de cualquier parte del mundo y poder compartir opiniones con una amplia cantidad de personas de cualquier lugar.
"We ♥ it"→ Si busca fotos de buena calidad no dude visitar esta página. Le saldrán todas las fotos relacionadas con la búsqueda realizada y las puede descargar rápidamente. Es la mejor página para buscar fotografías HD.
Pues éstas son mis páginas útiles y favoritas. Espero que este post haya sido útil y entretenido
...English version...
In this post I will add several links to my favourite sites and some useful pages.
There are three pages that I find very useful:
"Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia"→ Virtual encyclopedia where you can search information of something. This page contains information written by other users. Anyone can write a small paragraph of information about the subject. In this way you can get all the information about that subject.
"Wordreference"→ Suitable for dind words in other languages. It has different languages and it's the most used dictionary in the world. Besides you can search for definitions, different uses of this word (with an example), synonyms, antonyms... It's the best dictionary, no doubt!
"Internet Kiosk: Online Searcher Media" → The best searcher of news and national / international press. This page will be useful if you want to be up to date of what is happening in the country or in the world.
following 3 pages
I really like and they could be considered
one of my
→ You can find all kinds of videos from music to tutorials. Personally it is one of the pages I use most every day, like millions of users, but I mostly use to search for music. Each person takes a different use.
"Twitter" → Most visited social network worldwide. It's a quick way to stay informed on trends from all over the world and share opinions with a large number of people everywhere.
"We ♥ it" → If you are looking for good quality photos please visit this page. It shows you all the photos related to the search. You can search and download photos and gif's quickly. It's the best website to find photos HD.
Well these are my favorite and useful sites. I hope this post has been useful and entertaining
...English version...
In this post I will add several links to my favourite sites and some useful pages.
There are three pages that I find very useful:
"Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia"→ Virtual encyclopedia where you can search information of something. This page contains information written by other users. Anyone can write a small paragraph of information about the subject. In this way you can get all the information about that subject.
"Wordreference"→ Suitable for dind words in other languages. It has different languages and it's the most used dictionary in the world. Besides you can search for definitions, different uses of this word (with an example), synonyms, antonyms... It's the best dictionary, no doubt!
"Internet Kiosk: Online Searcher Media" → The best searcher of news and national / international press. This page will be useful if you want to be up to date of what is happening in the country or in the world.
These following 3 pages I really like and they could be considered one of my favorites:
→ You can find all kinds of videos from music to tutorials. Personally it is one of the pages I use most every day, like millions of users, but I mostly use to search for music. Each person takes a different use.
"Twitter" → Most visited social network worldwide. It's a quick way to stay informed on trends from all over the world and share opinions with a large number of people everywhere.
"We ♥ it" → If you are looking for good quality photos please visit this page. It shows you all the photos related to the search. You can search and download photos and gif's quickly. It's the best website to find photos HD.
Well these are my favorite and useful sites. I hope this post has been useful and entertaining